Silkstone Sports Development Program (SDP)
At Silkstone State School we believe in providing as many students as we can with the opportunity to engage in sport in HPE classes, interschool sport, and our Sports Development Program.
Students from Silkstone have gone on to win Olympic, World Championship and Commonwealth Games medals, play for Australia in Cricket, Hockey, Soccer, and Basketball, be selected in the First Nations Indigenous Rugby League Squad, play for the Brisbane Bullets and the Queensland Roar, gain scholarships to play NCAA Division 1 sport in the USA, become golf pros, and win Intrust Super Cup State Rugby League competitions. This is where it starts….
The Silkstone Sports Development Program is an initiative of Silkstone State School that commenced in 2007. The aim of the program is to engage children in learning through the medium of sport, and provide students who are passionate about sport with opportunities to expand their skills across a range of sporting contexts. We focus on:
- Sporting skills
- Fitness
- Enthusiasm towards sport and school
- Sportsmanship and school citizenship
In addition to their regular HPE class, Sports Development students will also receive one 60-minute lesson in a variety of sports each week.
Fitness, cross country, and swimming training before school is also offered at various times throughout the year advertised in the newsletter.
As in previous years, there will be a Sports Development Camp in Term 3 at the Runaway Bay Sports Excellence Centre.
We are looking for children who have a real love of sport, and are keen to work hard to improve themselves.
Silkstone State School challenges all students to achieve at their highest levels in all fields of endeavour.
Throughout the year, we will be focussing on a variety of sports, such as Basketball, Track and Field, Rugby League, Cross Country, Swimming, Ultimate Disc, Touch, Netball, Cricket and Soccer. Our Sports Development Program aims to introduce and develop core concepts in these sports that students might not have had the opportunity to experience or time to perfect.
These specific concepts include individual skills, game play and tactics, physical development, sports physiology/psychology and coaching.
Our program aims to enhance the core technical skills, tactical awareness, physiological development and psychological aspects of the developing athlete.
The program provides an opportunity to bring together the keenest athletes to work and learn together, and pursue excellence in a supportive environment. Children also get to work with like-minded students from other year levels, thus widening their friendship circle and strengthening bonds across year-level cohorts.
We also promote sport for fun and fitness, and aim to foster a lifelong love of sport.
Through our Sports Development Program, we are developing partnerships within our local community, with community members and development officers from various sporting organisations providing expertise and support for the children in our program. Visits from special guests and ex-students who are achieving in sport on the State, National and World stage are also a feature of our program.
Applications for placement in the Silkstone Sports Development Program are open to students in Years 4 – 6.
There is an expectation that all students in the program will:
- Participate fully in all school activities including classroom programs, excursions, camps, training, Sports Development Program activities and interschool sport
- Attempt to maintain a high standard of behaviour
- Always wear full school uniform
- Attempt to complete all class and homework activities
- Display consistently high levels of respect, commitment and effort
- Trial for Interschool Sport
Selection Criteria:
- Demonstrated sporting talent and/or potential based on past performances
- A high level of enthusiasm and commitment to sport
- Past performances, effort and participation in HPE classes and sports carnivals
- A history of commitment to and full participation in the program
To gain entry to the program a student is required to:
- Provide a completed application form, Please see Mr T for one of these;
- Gain the approval of the Principal and Program Director.