Payment window
Payments for camps, book club, excursions and school sport are accepted at the Money Window from Monday to Friday between the hours of 8.00am and 3.30pm.
The Payment Window is located at the Student Reception counter.
We no longer accept cash payments. Eftpos is available or invoices can be paid via Direct Deposit to the school bank account or via Bpoint.
Part payment options are always available to help families make the necessary payment by the due date. Payment cannot be accepted after the due date.
Please remember that prior invoices will need to be finalised before paying for a new invoice. (Example: Sporting fees to be fully paid before paying for an excursion)
Payment terms for any activities and fundraising organised by the Parent Group e.g. Fun Runs, will be communicated via the information sent directly from the P&C regarding each event.
No payment will be accepted after the due date.