


Silkstone Music Development Program

The Silkstone Music Development Program is an initiative of Silkstone State School. The aim of the program is to provide students who are passionate about music with opportunities to expand their theoretical and practical music knowledge. Students will be developing their: 
  • Music Theory 
  • Musicianship 
  • Performance Skills 
  • Aural Skills 
  • Musical Instrument Knowledge 

Our program offers all the Australian Curriculum subjects covered in home classes; however, in addition to their regular music class, Music Development students will also receive one 60-minute lesson each week.  We are looking for children who have a real love of music and are keen to work hard to improve themselves.  Students will work collaboratively and independently to complete all the elements required for Grade 1 Theory (alternative Grades are offered for those who have already completed Grade 1).  At the completion of the Music Development Program, each student has the option to sit an Australian Music Examinations Board (AMEB) Theory Exam – Grade 1 (completed at school).  Students will be awarded with a certificate from the AMEB that is recognized throughout Australia.  There are costs associated with the program if you would like to complete a theory exam at the conclusion of the year: 

  • Grade 1 – Book ($15.00), Exam ($78.00) 
  • Grade 2 – Book ($15.00), Exam ($81.00) 
  • Grade 3 – Book ($20.00), Exam ($85.00) 

Book costs will be payable upon successful application.  Exam costs will be invoiced in Term 3, 2022. 
It is not compulsory to sit an exam as part of this program. 

Our focus 

Silkstone State School challenges all students to achieve at their highest levels in all areas of endeavour. The focus of the Music Development Program is to provide students with theoretical knowledge to support the learning in their chosen instrument, whether strings, woodwind, brass, percussion, or voice. Our program aims to enhance the knowledge and understanding of music, performance skills, musicianship, and aural skills. 

The program provides an opportunity to bring together the keenest musicians to work and learn together and pursue excellence in a supportive environment. Children also get to work with like-minded students from other year levels, thus widening their friendship circle and strengthening bonds across year-level cohorts. 


Applications for placement in the Silkstone Music Development Program are open to students in Years 4 – 6 in 2022.  There is an expectation that all students in the program will:  
Participate in all school activities 
Attempt to maintain a high standard of behaviour 
Always wear full school uniform  
Attempt to complete all class and homework activities 
Display consistently high levels of respect, commitment, and effort 
Be an active member of the School Music Program (either in choirs, bands, or instrumental music) 

Selection Criteria 

Demonstrated musical talent and/or potential based on past performances 
A high level of enthusiasm and commitment to music 
Effort and participation in music classes and music performances 
A history of commitment to, and full participation in the program 

To gain entry to the program a student is required to: 
Provide a completed application form. 
Undergo an informal interview with Mrs. Berry. 
Be willing and able to pay the costs associated for the AMEB exam if participating; and 
Gain the approval of the Principal and Program Director. 

Last reviewed 10 May 2024
Last updated 10 May 2024