School times and bells for learning and break times
This is the preferred time for students to arrive at school
Classroom doors will open and children will be able to enter their classrooms and prepare themselves for the day’s learning.
8:55am Bell to commence learning
This is the scheduled start time for teachers to commence instruction. The class roll will be marked at this time.
11:00am Bell to commence first break
The children will proceed immediately to play
11:25am Bell to commence first break eating
The children eat and calm down before returning back into the classroom.
11:45m Bell to commence learning
This bell signifies the commencement of instruction for the ‘middle session’ of the school day.
1:30pm Bell to commence afternoon lunch
The children will proceed immediately to play.
1:50pm Bell to commence second break eating
The children eat and calm down before returning back into the classroom.
2:00pm Bell to commence learning
This bell signifies the commencement of instruction for the ‘afternoon session’ of the school day.
3:00pm Bell to signify the end of the school day
It is expected that children remain at school up until the completion of teaching and learning at 3:00pm.
contact us for more information about school class times.